**Streaming Now** Lisa Ann Landry, MSM, Social Media Strategist. Listen in to KMOVE Radio for valuable content marketing tips! Lisa Ann’s new book, “Content Marketing-How to Get Started,” launched today for only $8.18! buy it here: http://ow.ly/rkAG3008qom
Listen in Here:http://www.blogtalkradio.com/kmove/2016/05/12/content-marketing-how-to-get-started
Get these Freebies from Lisa Ann Landry!
*60 day trial for Constant Contact – Email Marketing Software | Constant Contact*Content Marketing Webinar: https://www.dropbox.com/home?preview=Lisa+Ann+Landrys+Content+Marketing+Webinar.mp4

KMOVE Radio’s Review: KMOVE Radio had the pleasure of reading Content Marketing – How To Get Started by Lisa Ann Landry and have to say that we gained a great deal from “what is content marketing” to using “Editorial Calendars!” The part of the book we enjoyed and gained most from was how inexpensive building your business brand and how to create impressive marketing content. Because we are from a small business corporation we have to look at the way we use our expenses and Lisa Ann guides the reader through cost-effective avenues to utilize for social media marketing. In fact, she even gives references with links, authors, and educational books. KMOVE Radio highly recommends Lisa Ann’s book if you’re interested in the fundamentals of how content marketing can make any business small or large successful in our social media world!

Content marketing is an essential marketing strategy for any business, regardless of industry or size. At its core, content marketing is about creating and sharing valuable, informative, and engaging content that helps to attract and retain customers.

One of the primary benefits of content marketing is that it allows businesses to establish themselves as experts and thought leaders in their respective fields. By creating content that offers insights, advice, and valuable information, businesses can build trust and credibility with their target audience, positioning themselves as a go-to resource for information and solutions.

Content marketing can also help businesses to build relationships with their customers by providing useful and engaging content that is tailored to their specific interests and needs. This can help to foster brand loyalty and encourage repeat business, while also increasing customer satisfaction and retention rates.

Furthermore, content marketing can be an effective way to promote products and services in a way that is informative and helpful to potential customers. By creating content that highlights the benefits and features of their offerings, businesses can increase awareness and interest in their products and services, while also providing valuable information that helps customers make informed purchasing decisions.

Overall, content marketing is an essential strategy for any business that wants to establish itself as a thought leader, build relationships with its customers, and promote its offerings in a way that is helpful and informative.