Corporate relocation is a common occurrence in the business world. Whether it’s a new hire or an existing employee, sometimes a move is necessary to further one’s career or improve business operations. Corporate relocation can be a stressful and complicated process, both for the employee and the company. Here are our recommended do’s and don’ts of corporate relocation, with a focus on what companies should do to properly support their employees’ moves and avoid common mistakes. 

Do: Offer a Moving Stipend

One of the most common questions employees have about corporate relocation is whether they will receive a moving stipend or allowance. This is a crucial factor in making the move financially feasible and reducing the stress associated with the move. Providing a moving stipend shows employees that the company values their contributions and is committed to making the relocation process as smooth as possible.

Don’t: Cut Corners on Services

Another common question employees have is to what extent services will be provided. Companies should make sure to provide as many services as possible to make the transition as easy as possible for the employee. This may include hiring a professional moving company, providing temporary housing, or covering the costs of travel expenses. Cutting corners on services can lead to a negative experience for the employee, and may make it difficult to retain talent in the long term.

Do: Communicate Clearly and Often

Clear communication is key during the relocation process. Companies should provide employees with a detailed relocation package that outlines all of the services and benefits they will receive, as well as any expectations and requirements. Regular check-ins with the employee can also help to ensure that the relocation process is going smoothly and that any issues are addressed promptly.

Don’t: Ignore the Emotional Side of Relocation

Relocating for a job can be a stressful and emotional experience for employees and their families. Companies should be aware of this and provide support beyond just the logistical aspects of the move. This may include offering counseling services or connecting the employee with a support group in the new location. Ignoring the emotional side of relocation can lead to decreased productivity and morale.

Do: Provide Cultural Training

Moving to a new location can mean adapting to a new culture and way of life. Providing cultural training can help employees adjust to their new surroundings and avoid cultural misunderstandings that can lead to communication breakdowns or hurt feelings. This may include providing information on local customs, traditions, and language.

Don’t: Disregard the Importance of Company Culture

The culture of a company can be just as important as the location and services provided. Companies should make an effort to integrate the employee into the company culture as soon as possible. This may include introducing them to coworkers and providing opportunities for team-building activities. Failing to do so can lead to a feeling of isolation and disconnection from the company culture, which can negatively impact employee morale and productivity.

Do: Hire a Professional Moving Company 

Office moves, commercial moving, and corporate relocation require advance planning for a successful relocation. At S&M Moving Systems, we understand the importance of project completion in a timely and efficient manner. Providing all aspects of your office move from move sequence, coordination, dismantling, and set-up, we provide complete commitment to your total satisfaction. Get a quote for your corporate relocation today!